Thursday, March 29, 2012

論壇 - 城市發展的失與得 Symposium - Lost and Found in City Development

7/4/2012 (Sat)
10:30am - 12noon

九龍公園 Kowloon Park香港文物探知館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre

普通話/英語主講 In Putonghua / English

免費入場 Free Admission

李歐梵, 香港中文大學Lee Ou Fan, CUHK
姜珺, 廣州美術學院Jian Jun, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
朱濤, 香港大學Zhu Tao, HKU
金光裕, 總策展人Gene K. King, Chief Curator
李亮聰, 總策展人Anderson Lee, Chief Curator


這些由上而下的規劃,在六零年代遭到反動,Jane Jacobs的名著「美國大城市的生與死」,主張重視舊城區的重要性,恢復其活力,以及由下而上的社區經營,發展出「破碎式都會」的模式,但仍然難以改變最耗能最無社群的生活方式,完全倚賴汽車、購物中心、與郊區。




Friday, March 23, 2012

快閃/流動建築 flash MOBile architecture


我們摒棄了一貫的工作坊模式 ----那種依賴參加者的意願進行預先登記,於特定的時間前往到Top of Form發起人Bottom of Form特別提供的場地進行的作業。相反,我們嘗試尋找一些未被充分利用卻又不費分文的公共空間(地方),在沒有預先張揚的情況下(時間)進行一系列讓市民大眾隨意自發參與(人)的互動建築工作坊。




我們的目的很簡單,就是帶來一點點的影響 -- 我們希望用一個有趣和獨特的方式,鼓勵市民大眾自發地參與,從而提高他們對建築作爲一種公共藝術課題的興趣和關注。

flash Mobile architecture is a project conceived by the HKU SPACE Professional Diploma of Architectural Studies academic team upon the curators’ invitation to lead a public workshop as part of the Hong Kong  & Shenzhen Bi-City of Urbanism/Architecture.   In line with this year’s theme; "Tri-ciprocal Cities: The Time, The Place, The People", which emphasize the "interplay of time, place and people, each being significant dimensions that shape the essence and quality of a city".

We have forsaken the accepted method of conducting a workshop which relies on the participants’ willingness to register and attend and the venders’ commitment to the availability of the venue. Instead, our workshop will be utilizing Hong Kong’s under-used and cost-free public space (the place) for a series of spontaneous (the time) interactive workshop for the public (the people) on architecture. 

The title of this workshop reflects its very nature; the marriage of two ideas; flash mob + mobile architecture.

The term flash mob is defined as "a large group of people mobilized by social media to meet in a public place for the purpose of doing an unusual or entertaining activity of short duration".  Five groups of our year two students will mobilize themselves in public spaces around the city to conduct this public engagement workshop. 

The term mobile architecture gives the notion of architecture that is movable, is dynamic, is temporary; the very essences of our workshop.

Our objective is simple; we hope to bring awareness to architectural issues that influence the Hong Kong public by engaging them to participate spontaneously and in a fun and unique way.




時間:10:30am – 12:00pm

展覽 - 快閃/流動建築:進程與回顧



You are cordially invited to participate in the following events:

Public Presentation-  flash MOBile architecture: process and recollections

A public presentation and sharing by the HKU SPACE Professional Diploma of Architectural Studies students

Venue: Activity Room, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre,
           Kowloon Park, Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.

Date:  9 April, 2012

Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm

Exhibition- flash MOBile architecture: process and recollections

Exhibition of the development, process and result of the public engagement workshop by the HKU SPACE Professional Diploma of Architectural Studies students.

Venue: Oasis Gallery, 2/F, Central Oasis, 80 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong   Kong.

Exhibition Date:  28 April – 4 May, 2012

‘like’ us on facebook at!/flashMOBilearchitecture

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

兒童工作坊 - 我的家在紫禁城 Children Workshop - We All Live in the Forbidden City

21/4/2012 (Sat)
11am / 2pm / 4pm

九龍公園 Kowloon Park
香港文物探知館活動室 Activity Room, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre


Introduction of the event:
The workshop is a fun-filled platform for young people aged between 9-12 to understand Chinese arts and culture through “roaming” the Forbidden City and “knowing” the characters in the world’s largest palace. The workshop uses well-designed props, worksheets and games to create an interactive learning experience.

廣東話主講 In Cantonese

Registration email:

費用全免 Free Enrollment


Click here for details of the "We All Live in the Forbidden City Educational Outreach Programme"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

研討會 - 產業與城市 Symposium - Industry and Urbanism

16/3/2012 (Fri)
3pm - 5:30pm

九龍公園 Kowloon Park
香港文物探知館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre

更新講者名單! Updates on the list of Panelists!

講者 Panelists:
Hitoshi Abe, Founder, Atelier Hitoshi Abe Design Inc
Shinya Okuda, National University of Singapore
Kristof Crolla, Founder, LEAD
王維仁, 王維仁建築設計研究室創辦人Wang weijen, Founder, Wang Weijen Architecture
Eric Yim, Chairperson, Hong Kong Design Council
劉曉都, 都市實踐創辦人Liu Xiaodu, Founder, Urbanus

主持 Moderators:
金光裕, 總策展人Gene K. King, Chief Curator
李亮聰, 總策展人Anderson Lee, Chief Curator

英語主講 English

免費入場 Free Admission

Friday, March 9, 2012

電影放映 - 世界呢分鐘 Film Screening - Night on Earth

世界呢分鐘 / Night on Earth
2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture Screening Programme

主辦:2011-12 香港‧深圳建築城市雙年展 / Presenter: 2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture
策略夥伴:康樂及文化事務署、香港藝術中心、香港演藝學院 / Strategic Partner: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

美國 / USA / 1991 / 彩色 / Col / 35mm / 129mins
英語、德語、意大利語、法語及芬蘭語對白,中英文字幕 / In English, German, Italian, French and Finnish with Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles
導演:占渣木殊 / Director: Jim Jarmusch

日期及時間 / Date & Time:  22 / 4  2:30pm
地點:agnès b.電影院 / Venue: agnès b. CINEMA
免費入場,敬請留座 / Free Admission. Reservation is needed.
查詢 / Programme Enquiries: 2582 0200

網上留座 請按 / Online Reservation please click here


2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture is presenting 3 films in the light of architecture and urbanism under the theme of the Biennale, “Tri-ciprocal Cities: The Time, The Place, The People”, the last of the trio being Night on Earth. Five taxis, five cities, one night. The film wanders in the night of Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Rome and Helsinki as it unveils the vignettes of life on various taxi rides. Exploiting the infinite possibilities of chance encounter, the film serves as a moving portrait of the cities.

映後分享會 /Post-screening Sharing Session
講者:皮亞 / Speaker: Pierre Lam