Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pritzker Prize winners on view at the Biennale

Congratulations to Mr. Wang Shu, the winner of the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize, the top honor in the field. His exhibition “Illegal Architecture” is on view in the Asian Urban Portraits Pavilion at the Biennale.

Wang is the first Chinese citizen to win the prize and, at just 48, he is also one of the youngest recipients in history. His firm, Amateur Architecture studio, has completed projects in several Chinese cities. Mr. Wang lives and works in Hangzhou with his wife, Ms Lu Wenyu.

Other high-profile award winners in the Biennale include Mr. Rem Koolhaas of OMA (who was awarded the Pritzker in 2000) and Mr. Thom Mayne of Morphosis (who received it in 2005). Mr. Steven Holl received the 2011 Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects.

恭賀王澍先生榮獲業內最高榮譽之2012普立茲克建築獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize),其作品〈朗讀違章〉正於雙年展「亞洲都繪展」展出。


本屆雙年展很榮幸獲得多個榮獲榮譽獎項之參展者參與,包括OMA的Mr. Rem Koolhaas(2000年榮獲普立茲克建築)及Mr. Thom Mayne of Morphosis (2005年榮獲該獎項)。而參展者Mr. Steven Holl則獲得美國建築師學會2011年之終身金獎。

Saturday, February 25, 2012

論壇 (2012年3月) Symposia (March 2012)

啟德演地圖考 Mapping ‘Kai Tak Bund’

2011 – 2012 香港.深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展


-Richard Long


本活動由Hong Kong Urban LaboratoryRoundtable Cultural Collective合辦

或致電:            2111-5882      

開放予公眾參與,特別適合對藝術創作與城市研究有興趣的中學生,名額共40人。 參如者將由美國藝術家Brian Rosa (位本土藝術家帶領進行四次工作坊,詳細流程與名單將稍後公布,共同創作以地圖為形式的藝術品。


關於Brian Rosa:
Brian Rosa是現居於曼徹斯特的攝影師及城市研究員,他的藝術實踐主要關切城市體驗與想像,及思考建築空間作為社會關係的創造物。他的作品多次於美國、英國及墨西哥展出,亦多次參與策展工作,並曾於The Center for Land Use Interpretation作駐場藝術家。

A 2011-2012 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture programme
Mapping ‘Kai Tak Bund’: creative cartography and visual archeology
Workshop and art exhibition on the spatial representation of Kowloon East

“A map is just one more layer, a mark laid down upon thousands of other layers of human geographic history on the surface of the land”
- Richard Long

Since Chinese colonial elites Ho Kai and Au Tak named and planned Kai Tak Bund, the extended urban area of Kowloon East has been a core terrain where the fascinating history of Hong Kong unfolds. In recent years, new plans for the rebirth and transformation of Kowloon East have been proposed. Already hybrid and heterogeneous, the history, built environments and social relations of the district will be furthered in flux and refashioned in the near future. This juncture of transition is a great chance to remind us the importance of capturing the rich textures of Kowloon East.
Mapping Kai Tak Bung invites participants to use maps as their methods to represent the tremendous amount of datas and the stories contained by a place, they will study and learn ways to produce alternative maps. Maps do not only inspire popular spatial imaginations, they are also seen by many artists as an art form in itself. The Workshop will be led by artists who treat mapping as an artistic way to approach urban space, participants will talk with the artists and create unique and creative maps. The maps altogether will form a multi-faceted picture of Kowloon East’s multiple layers of geographical history.

The programme is co-curated by Hong Kong Urban Laboratory and Roundtable Cultural Collective
Programme website:
Enquiry: (email) /            2111-5882       (telephone)

Event Information
The Workshop is open to public and is particularly suitable for secondary school students who are interested in arts and urban studies. 40 participants will be recruited. They will be led by American artist Brian Rosa (, four local artists and other guests (further details will be announced) to create artworks in the form of maps collaboratively.

Dates18/3 (2:00-5:00pm)
24/3 (11:00am-6:00pm)
25/3 (11:00am-6:00pm)
7/4 (2:00-6:00pm)
Language: part of the programme will be conducted in English while most sessions will be conducted in Cantonese

Further details about the workshops will be sent to the participants when their applications are confirmed. 

[Register now!]

About Brian Rosa:
Brian Rosa ( is an American photographer and urban researcher based in Manchester, England. His academic work deals with the relationship between urban infrastructure and indeterminate spaces and his arts practice concerns the experience of the city, urban imaginaries, and of thinking of the built environment as an artifact of social relations.
Brian Rosa has exhibited his photographic work extensively in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Mexico, and has experience as an urban planner, museum educator and curator.

Friday, February 24, 2012

公共空間與藝術@香港藝術中心 Public Space & Art@ Hong Kong Arts Centre

2011-12香港‧深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展 專題導賞
2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism﹨Architecture Thematic Tour

“Public Space & Art@ Hong Kong Arts Centre”

The 2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism﹨Architecture will cooperate with the strategic partner Hong Kong Arts Centre to arrange Thematic Tour during March to April 2012 to investigate the connection of city planning in public space and public art.

公眾導賞團 Public Docent Guided Tour
導賞服務逢星期二、四、六下午三時及星期六上午十一時舉行。每團15人,參觀時間約45 – 60分鐘。費用全免,毋須預約。有興趣人士請於五分鐘前抵達香港藝術中心大堂指示牌處集合。
Docent guided tours are organized regularly  on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 3pm as well as Saturdays at 11am. Each tour serves 15 people and lasts for approximately 45 – 60 minutes. Tours are free of charge, no reservation is required. Interested individuals are welcomed to arrive at the Lobby of the Hong Kong Arts Centre 5 minutes before the tour begins.

團體導賞團 Group Docent Guided Tour 
每團10 – 40人,參觀時間約45 – 60分鐘,導賞服務將提供粵語、普通話及英語選擇。費用全免。有興趣人士請於參觀日最少兩星期前以電郵或電話預約。
Each tour serves 10 – 40 people and lasts for approximately 45 – 60  minutes in Cantonese, Putonghua or English. Tours are free of charge. Interested parties please make reservations at least two weeks prior to planned visit.

電郵 / Email:    電話/ Tel: 2582 0235

網頁 / Website:

Docent guided tour is led by the HKAC Volunteer Docents

電影放映 - 二十四城記 Film Screening - 24 City

二十四城記 / 24 City

2011-12 香港深圳城市\建築雙城雙年展 - 放映節目
2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture - Screening Programme

主辦:2011-12 香港‧深圳城市\建築雙年展
Presenter: 2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture

Strategic Partner: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

日期及時間 / Date & Time: 4 / 3 8:30pm
地點:agnès b.電影院 / Venue: agnès b. CINEMA
免費入場,敬請留座 / Free Admission. Reservation is needed.
查詢 / Programme Enquiries: 2582 0200

網上留座 請按 / Online Reservation please click here

中國 / CHN / 2008 / 彩色 / Col / DVD / 112mins
普通話、四川話、上海話對白,中英文字幕 / In Putonghua, Sichuanese and Shanghainese with Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles
導演:賈樟柯 / Director: Jia Zhangke


2011-12 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture is presenting 3 films in the light of architecture and urbanism under the theme of the Biennale, “Tri-ciprocal Cities: The Time, The Place, The People”, the second of the trio being 24 City. Under a corporate redevelopment scheme, Factory 420, the then-aeronautic factory quarter in Chengdu is about to give way to the modern estate project “24 City”. With the interviews of three generations of the factory’s ex-workers about their life, 24 City sketches the metamorphosis of Chinese cities over the past 50 years.

映後分享會 /Post-screening Sharing Session
講者:皮亞 / Speaker: Pierre Lam
粵語主講 / Conducted in Cantonese

Saturday, February 11, 2012